Mark and I are undefeated when it comes to Rangers games. We have been to five games this season and the Rangers have won all five of those games. You might say we're something of a good luck charm. I wouldn't mind being painted with that brush.
A couple of months ago I bought Mark and I tickets to a day game against the Oakland A's. It was a sporadic purchase, but I figured we can always use an excuse to take a vacation day from work and attend a Rangers game. Unfortunately, as with most of the dates I plan, there was a bump in the road. The game was rain delayed for almost two hours and eventually canceled. After hovering under the roofing at the ballpark for hours, we eventually had to make a run for it in the pouring rain. Needless to say, by the time we made it to the car we were both soaked. Also, Mark had left his car window open so his car was soaked as well. But that's neither here nor there.
Last night's weather was much better than the previous attempt. It seemed a little less hot than the past few days and since we were right by home plate, our seats were already shaded by the time we got to the game. Because we've had bad ballpark food experiences in the past (never order the BBQ chicken sandwich at the ballpark... trust me, I'm doing you a favor), we ate at On the Border before the game last night. There is something about chips and guacamole that make any meal 100 times better. The food was delicious and we were right on time for the game.
Since it was a make-up game, there was a less-than-usual crowd at this game.
Derek Holland pitched his third career complete game shutout which was fun to see.
The weather was great and the night was all around perfect. Sports games have been a huge part of our relationship, so it's always fun when we get to go to any sporting event.
As I mentioned earlier, our ballpark attendance has proven the Rangers undefeated. Personally, I wouldn't mind them paying us to attend games... just so they can keep the streak alive.
However, as I'm sure everyone has read by now, there was a horrific tragedy that happened during the second inning of the game last night. After a foul ball hit by an Oakland A ricocheted back onto the field, Josh Hamilton tossed the ball up toward the left field stands were a fan reached out to grab the ball and was unable to keep from falling over the stands and behind the scoreboard. The gasp throughout the stadium was chilling. It wasn't until after the game that the Rangers released a statement saying the man, father to a six-year-old boy who was with him at the game, had passed away.
Just typing that makes my stomach turn. That poor boy was at his first baseball game ever, sporting Rangers attire from head to toe. Things like that just shouldn't happen. A time that is supposed to be so precious and so memorable has turned into a life-changing moment for that young boy and his family. It makes me sick to know that boy, only six years old, will spend the rest of his life without his dad. He won't have his dad cheering him on at his own baseball games or be able to ask his dad life advice. I feel robbed having my dad taken away after 24 years and this reminds me how lucky I am to have all 24 of those years with him. It's hard when something like this happens because it was no one's fault, yet it makes it no less hard. I hope that family gets showered with love and prayer because that's what gets us through times like that.
More posts to come :)